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PROGRAM OVERVIEWThe 2025 Workers’ Compensation Conference brings together Iowa hospital human resources, safety and occupationalprofessionals interested in learning more about safety in the work environment.PROGRAM AGENDA9 a.m. Welcome 9:10 a.m. Preventing Slip and Fall InjuriesKelly Marshall, Account Risk Manager, RAS, Sioux Falls, South DakotaSlip and fall incidents are prevalent and a significant source of workers’ compensation claims and injuries.In this session, attendees will learn effective strategies to prevent such incidents. Marshall brings extensiveoccupational therapy and ergonomics expertise, offering practical solutions to enhance safety measures andreduce the likelihood of slip and fall injuries.Learning objectives:• Discuss the 10 best practices for slips, trips and fall prevention• Explore common causes of slips, falls and trips in the workplace• Review slip, trip and fall trends10 a.m. Workers’ Compensation Case StudiesJo Ellen Whitney and Joni Ploeger, Dentons Davis Brown, Des MoinesThis session will focus on workers’ compensation law and review health care case studies.Learning objectives:• Examine real-world workers’ compensation case studies• Identify recent workers’ compensation legal changes• Resolve common workers’ compensation problems facing health care today11 a.m. Break11:15 a.m. Managing Caregiver Burnout and Compassion Fatigue in Health CareElizabeth Kain, Loss Control Consultant, Ergonomic Specialist, AssuredPartners, West Des MoinesWith a special focus on health care providers, this program teaches about the signs and symptoms of stress,the effect stress has on organizations and how to help employees effectively manage stress.Learning objectives:• Identify the effects of stress• Learn coping methods using the four A’s• Recognize workplace stressorsNoon Lunch and Spotlight Awards1:30 p.m. Tornado Response and Recovery: Lessons from the Greenfield EF4 TornadoStephanie Claussen, Director of Public Health and Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, Adair County HealthSystem, GreenfieldThis session provides an overview of the emergency response and recovery efforts at a critical access hospitaldirectly affected by the Greenfield EF4 tornado. Participants will learn about the challenges faced, coordinationefforts, and key takeaways for improving preparedness and resilience in rural health care settings.Learning objectives:• Analyze lessons learned to enhance future preparedness and recovery plans• Identify strategies for effective communication and resource management during a disaster• Understand the role of an emergency preparedness liaison in coordinating response efforts2:30 p.m. Virtual Safe Patient Handling/Preventing Patient Handling Injuries in Our Clinical Workforce:Whose Job Is It? An Overview From the Veterans Health AdministrationTony Hilton, DrPH, RN, MSN, FNP, CRRN, FARN, Safe Patient Handling and Mobility National Program Manager,and Tosha Hammer, DPT, PT, Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Program Manager, VA Central Iowa Health CareSystem, Des MoinesDirect patient care staff are at high risk for musculoskeletal injuries from manually handling patients. In thissession, you’ll learn about the keys to practical, safe patient-handling and mobility programs that reduceemployee injuries, improve patient outcomes and meet the expectations of the Occupational Safety and HealthAdministration and workers’ compensation insurers.Learning objectives:• Demonstrate select safe patient-handling and mobility program technology used passively andtherapeutically for rehabilitation populations• Identify six critical elements that are the key pillars of a successful, safe patient-handling and mobilityprogram• List six common pitfalls in safe patient-handling and mobility programs and how to overcome them3:30 p.m. AdjournREGISTRATIONThis event is free and exclusive to IHA members.CONTINUING EDUCATIONThis Program ID: 695065 , has been approved for 4.75 HR (General) recertification credit hours toward aPHR®, aPHRi™, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi™ and SPHRi™recertification through HR Certification Institute® (HRCI®).IHA, Board of Nursing Provider No. 4, will award 4.5 nursing contact hours for each conference day. Iowa nursing contact hours will only be issued if an Iowa license number is provided on the certificate completed on the conference day. For full conference information, view the conference brochure, HERE.
PROGRAM OVERVIEWThe 2025 Workers’ Compensation Conference brings together Iowa hospital human resources, safety and occupationalprofessionals interested in learning more about safety in the work environment.
PROGRAM AGENDA9 a.m. Welcome
9:10 a.m. Preventing Slip and Fall InjuriesKelly Marshall, Account Risk Manager, RAS, Sioux Falls, South DakotaSlip and fall incidents are prevalent and a significant source of workers’ compensation claims and injuries.In this session, attendees will learn effective strategies to prevent such incidents. Marshall brings extensiveoccupational therapy and ergonomics expertise, offering practical solutions to enhance safety measures andreduce the likelihood of slip and fall injuries.
Learning objectives:• Discuss the 10 best practices for slips, trips and fall prevention• Explore common causes of slips, falls and trips in the workplace• Review slip, trip and fall trends
10 a.m. Workers’ Compensation Case StudiesJo Ellen Whitney and Joni Ploeger, Dentons Davis Brown, Des MoinesThis session will focus on workers’ compensation law and review health care case studies.Learning objectives:• Examine real-world workers’ compensation case studies• Identify recent workers’ compensation legal changes• Resolve common workers’ compensation problems facing health care today11 a.m. Break11:15 a.m. Managing Caregiver Burnout and Compassion Fatigue in Health CareElizabeth Kain, Loss Control Consultant, Ergonomic Specialist, AssuredPartners, West Des MoinesWith a special focus on health care providers, this program teaches about the signs and symptoms of stress,the effect stress has on organizations and how to help employees effectively manage stress.Learning objectives:• Identify the effects of stress• Learn coping methods using the four A’s• Recognize workplace stressors
Noon Lunch and Spotlight Awards
1:30 p.m. Tornado Response and Recovery: Lessons from the Greenfield EF4 TornadoStephanie Claussen, Director of Public Health and Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, Adair County HealthSystem, GreenfieldThis session provides an overview of the emergency response and recovery efforts at a critical access hospitaldirectly affected by the Greenfield EF4 tornado. Participants will learn about the challenges faced, coordinationefforts, and key takeaways for improving preparedness and resilience in rural health care settings.Learning objectives:• Analyze lessons learned to enhance future preparedness and recovery plans• Identify strategies for effective communication and resource management during a disaster• Understand the role of an emergency preparedness liaison in coordinating response efforts
2:30 p.m. Virtual Safe Patient Handling/Preventing Patient Handling Injuries in Our Clinical Workforce:Whose Job Is It? An Overview From the Veterans Health AdministrationTony Hilton, DrPH, RN, MSN, FNP, CRRN, FARN, Safe Patient Handling and Mobility National Program Manager,and Tosha Hammer, DPT, PT, Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Program Manager, VA Central Iowa Health CareSystem, Des MoinesDirect patient care staff are at high risk for musculoskeletal injuries from manually handling patients. In thissession, you’ll learn about the keys to practical, safe patient-handling and mobility programs that reduceemployee injuries, improve patient outcomes and meet the expectations of the Occupational Safety and HealthAdministration and workers’ compensation insurers.Learning objectives:• Demonstrate select safe patient-handling and mobility program technology used passively andtherapeutically for rehabilitation populations• Identify six critical elements that are the key pillars of a successful, safe patient-handling and mobilityprogram• List six common pitfalls in safe patient-handling and mobility programs and how to overcome them
3:30 p.m. Adjourn
This event is free and exclusive to IHA members.
This Program ID: 695065 , has been approved for 4.75 HR (General) recertification credit hours toward aPHR®, aPHRi™, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi™ and SPHRi™recertification through HR Certification Institute® (HRCI®).
IHA, Board of Nursing Provider No. 4, will award 4.5 nursing contact hours for each conference day. Iowa nursing contact hours will only be issued if an Iowa license number is provided on the certificate completed on the conference day.
For full conference information, view the conference brochure, HERE.